Infinite Boots is a service product of Edginsoft limited a leading ICT firm in Uganda. Infinite Boots is a world job market place where we aim at unlocking the true potential of freelance.

We strive to be the premier platform where professionals go to connect, collaborate, and get work done. We believe that the best work is done in a flexible and secure environment. With transparency comes trust, and with a community that's built on meritocracy, people are eager to set aside differences in geography, politics and religion to share and profit from economic opportunities.

In many parts of Africa and Asia the concept of freelancing is taking a snail pace to pick up, this has triggered innovativeness to foster the concept of free lancing into reality. We have developed a close bond with our users. As their needs have changed, we have evolved our platform to provide the tools and support they want. Our users teach us, we learn and we grow. We invite you to become a part of our expanding community!

Contact Us

P.O.Box 1038 Kampala
Ham Towers Makerere,level 4, Room 51
Tel: +256 393 238 298
Twitter: @edginsoft